
Css display property

  What Is The CSS display property? The display property is a CSS property that is used to set how a particular HTML element should be displayed on the browser. This property can be used to Set how both a container (for example a section element) and its content(s) (maybe div element(s) inside the parent section element) are displayed on the browser. Set an element to not be displayed on the browser at all. This property can take one of several values, some of which this blog post would talk about in a minute. For now, please keep in mind that all HTML elements rendered on the browser have a default display value . For example, elements like section, p (paragraph) and div are set to display:block by default. CSS Syntax For Setting The Display Property   The image below shows ho...

What is flexbox?

  Flexbox might seem challenging when you first come across it, but truly it doesn't have to be.  The aim of this article is to help you win the flexbox challenge. let's do this together, shall we? What is flexbox? Flexbox is a way to arrange items into rows or columns. These items will flex, that is, grow or shrink based on some simple rules that you can set in your CSS. Flexbox is not just a single CSS property, but a whole toolbox of properties that you can use to put things where you need them. Some of these properties belong on the flex container , while some go on the flex items . This amazing toolbox can help you create beautifully structured layouts for your web pages. Flexbox gives us complete control over the alignment, direction, order and size of our flex-items. Alright, at this point you might be wondering, “what is a flex container?”, and maybe also “what is a flex item?”. Please don’t worry too much, we are going to take everything one step at a time. ...